Akk online was incorporated since year 2020 with its office at Raipur and district MCB. We work as trading, Manufacturing and Suppliers of service in segment like Machinery, Cosmetics, Daily needs, food supplement, Ayurveda, agriculture, Sewing machine, Beauty salon, animal husbandry, Pisciculture,.

We also provide online Teaching services affiliated with GOI. We do provide services on a PAN India basis. Our team of experts provide an end to end solution to our customers.

In our journey, we have kept on adding good quality ayurvedic and herbal products in form of Juice, Health tonic, Syrup, Oil, Gel, Powder, Churna and Cosmetic with more than 100 products covering all health problems likes Heart Care, Diabetic Care, General Care, Critical Care, Men’s Care, Women’s Care, Child Care, Immunity Care, Oral Care, Hair Care, Personal care and much more.